Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Week 13 (Belated)

In the past week I worked on blueprints and functionality within the game. After watching some videos on the turn-based plugin I started working in the code to add my own meshes to the scene. The screenshot below shows two separate things.
1-The game can function and react to  the placeholder meshes that I place in the game world. This is achieved by placing invisible tiles underneath the mesh which tell the game what tiles should be disabled.

2-Using an array and a random number generator I was able to create a blueprint class which will select from a list of meshes and place one in the scene at a designated location. This will allow me to create one or more levels quickly with interesting and varied structures. These buildings are also blocked from walking units without needing to designate each tile as blocked

I also decided to include some of my substance painter work on last week's assets. These screenshots are directly from substance painter and represent the ideal textures. Achieving the same quality in Unreal will be challenging but there are plenty of ways to improve the look before the final version.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 12

Week 12 was very productive with about 18 hours of thesis work. I've finished the Trailer/Shipping crate science lab with solar array and satellite dish. This is one of the more complicated structures in the game. (Screenshots at the bottom)

Next week I'll get to work on another main structure.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 11

Week 11 was a slow week for asset production (3 hours). I did get a lot of good work done on the rig which will run the animations for all three of the game's main class characters. Next week I will be continuing to work on structures within the game.