Friday, April 14, 2017

Final Stretch 2

 This week for my thesis I upgraded my library of trees to add some diversity. After struggling to get pine needles to work for some time I decided to leave the trees barren for now. I don't think this takes away from the aesthetic of the level and gives me time to focus on finalizing my models and textures.

Here is the exposed grid. Once all of the game assets are correctly positioned on the grid it will be dropped below the surface of the terrain and the assets will be positioned on top of the terrain while still being controlled by the grid's functionality.

The image below shows the terrain populated with trees. (The grid has been temporarily hidden) If I have extra time before or after the thesis deadline I may add more complexity to the treelines, incorporating taller trees with fewer branches near the center of each section with fuller shorter trees at the edges. In addition, I created a windswept tree which can be added to the riverbank to add realism.

This image shows the final scale of the buildings compared to an in-game character.

I also spent some time incorporating some of my blueprint functionality into this level, but don't have screenshots due to the scattered nature of the blueprints across multiple blueprint classes and parent/child objects.

From now to the Wednesday due date I need to create textures for the QTown assets, model 2 more small structures (with UVs and textures), and add a simple water shader.

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