Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 6

This week I really jumped in to playtesting the game. I've already been able to make some balance changes to help things run more smoothly. Other than these changes, the biggest thing that became clear is that the game can't be replicated with pen and paper due to mechanics like fog of war and stealth. Because of this I plan to move to Unreal to get the game working at a low level for future playtests. The first system I'm going to create will manage resources for players, adding income to their pool and subtracting for purchases as needed. The second system will be a "God Mode" for the game allowing abilities to be used during runtime.

The other progress I made was to settle on a theme for the game and create the first class character. The theme is going to be a post-apocalyptic society. The premise of this society is that many regions existed under one ruling power. Each region contributed to society in come specialized way such as technology production, research, manufacturing, or farming. Civil war caused the system to collapse and each region was left to fend for itself in a ruined landscape. Now the various regions fight among themselves for survival. Each battle in my game is a skirmish between two regions struggling for survival.

Total hours this week was about 13. (I can't say I tracked playtesting time perfectly)

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