This week I composed a first draft of a formal proposal for my game. The video is in the following link:
Thesis Proposal
Apart from idea refinement, I've started creating a physical version of the game that can be played with a few cutouts and some pen and paper. This will allow me to make some broad gameplay refinements before putting anything into unreal. This "prototype" will be ready sometime this week and I'll start playtesting asap.
I made a few major changes over the course of the week:
Firstly, I've decided the game will take place over multiple rounds. This allows for a constant forward push of units within the game so that making a move is more beneficial than being stagnant. A round based system will also allow for different levels of upgrades throughout a game so that many potential levels of strength can be seen in a single game. My current guesstimate is 5 rounds for a game.
The second major change/decision I've made is to have 3 (for now) classes of unit. There will be a stealth class, a standard soldier class, and a mage class. Each class can modify the state of play in some way. Within each class there are certain abilities with your units can acquire to become customized combatants.
Soldiers can attack other units and impede their progress,
Rouges can infiltrate behind enemy lines and cause mayhem in the base, and
Mages can control large areas of the battlefield to dictate the fight.
This week will mostly be a continuation of refining the strategy components and playtesting the paper version of the game.